Tugas ICT Untuk Bisnis 4: Introduction Computer Hardware & Software

A World of Computers

  • Computers are everywhere
What is computer?
  • A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stared in its own memory.

(information processing cycle)

A computer contains many electric, electronic and mechanical components known as hardware:
  1. Input Device -> Allows you to enter data and instructions into a computer.
  2. Output Device -> Hardware component that conveys information to one or more people. 
  3. System Unit -> Case that contains the electronic components of the computer that are used to process data.
  4. Storage Device -> Records (writes) and/or retrives (reads) items to and from storage media.
  5. Communication Device -> Enables of computer to send and receive data, instructions and information to and from one or more computers to mobile device.

INPUT is any data and instructions entered into the memory of a computer.
An input device is any hardware component that allows users to enter data and instructions into a computer.

OUTPUT is data that has been processed into a useful form.
An output devices is any type of hardware component that conveys information to one or more people.


Advantages :                                              Disadvantages:
1. Speed                                                     1. Health risks
2. Reliability                                              2. Violation of privacy
3. Consistency                                           3. Public safety
4. Storage                                                  4. Impact on labor force
5. Communication                                    5. Impact on environment


SOFTWARE, also called a program, tells the computer what tasks to perform and how to perform them.

SYSYTEM SOFTWARE: operating system & utility program.

1. Installing is the process of setting up software to work with the computer, printer and other hardware.
2. A programmer develops software or writes the instructions that direct the computer to process data into information.


1. Personal computers; a personal computer ca perform all of its input, processing, output and storages activities by itself.

2. Mobile computers and mobile devices; personal computer you can carry from place to place.

3. Game consoles; is a mobile computing device designed for single player or multiplayervideo games.

4. Servers; a server control access to the hardware, software and other resources on a network and provides a centralized storage area for programs, data and information.

5. Mainframes; a mainframes is a large, expensive, powerful computer that can handle hundreds or thousands of connected users simultaneously.

6. Supercomputer; is the fastest, most powerful computer are capable of processing more than one quadrillion instructions in a single second.

7. Embedded computer; an embedded computers is a special purpose computer that functions as a component in a large product.


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